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Holocaust Museum Shooting: James von Brunn

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Wednesday, 88-year veteran of the Second World War, anti-Semitic and racist rage by James von Brunn, the Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, and opened fire, shooting dead 39-year epic, monitoring agents. Nine days earlier Abdul Hakim Mohammed, a Muslim convert, killed Army Recruiter Pvt. William Andrew Lang, 23, Little Rock, AR. On the day before the controversial abortion was Dr. George Tiller in Wichita, KS Clinic. There is something crazy and violent in the air, especially in an alarming increase in the white legal intense hatred. In April, the Department of Homeland Security has published a report on the right-wing extremism and warned that “white supremacy Lone Wolf are the biggest domestic terrorist threat due to their low visibility and self-employed – regardless of a formal group – the effort to warn. “The 9-page document into a political shit storm erupted and triggered a storm of criticism of the DHS Chief Janet Napolitano, who has been vilified for his proposal that the return of war veterans, in particular, may be susceptible to these violent radicals who could they house terrorists. This stacks on Napolitano libel first car, the conservatives, such as House Minority Leader John Boehner, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and Rush Limbaugh radio blow hard. Napolitano, when the attack was vicious, so partisan and so premature, but now it seems very far and the DHS, is not it? Funny how two months back to back, murder by the right wing wackjobs can shine a whole new light on things. At the start of Wednesday I was on Foxnews’ strategy, where a long discussion took place on Little Rock Army murder. ETHE DC This was hours before the news broke of the shooting. Some in the group asked, “Where are the (media-) disgust disbelieved, and the lack of reporting on Pvt. Long murder against Dr. Tiller’s. There is great concern that too little attention to this type of violent crime, by extremists. I reminded the group of DHS report in April, but more importantly, to their hit Napolitano. I believe that the Conservatives will Napolitano and Security in a different light after the shooting death Wednesday of the Museum of the Holocaust. So why the recent wave of murderous right-wing hate crime? As Joan Walsh cited, it is perhaps mainly due to the rhetoric of fire records Talking Heads, like Bill O’Reilly and Limbaugh who accused Fanning the flames of hatred in their inciteful scum air enthusiastically. Dr. Tiller O’Reilly attacked relentlessly years, more than two dozen times, in fact, a “baby killer” and accuses him of “Nazi stuff”, while warning of the “Day of Declaration.” More radio, Limbaugh told his audience last week that President Obama will do more harm to America than our terrorist enemies. Walsh told MSNBC’s Hard Ball on Wednesday night: “If you say that our President is more dangerous than Al-Qaeda, you’re crazy party nutjobland. They are fond of cards, and you beat people.” Is it any wonder that these crazy freaks right to a sense of obligation, ‘the right wrong “that the hammer instigator in the media in their primary psychotic, day after day? Maybe law enforcement should investigate the role of conservative commentators like O’Reilly and Limbaugh play in the death of innocent people. Perhaps this despicable hatred once loudmouth to shut up and for all Beanie Babies

Written by todaysbestnews

June 10, 2009 at 11:40 pm